
Return of the Dragon

Created by Artistic Justice Games

1-5 Player Miniatures Action Game Starring Bruce and Brandon Lee (Officially Licensed!) This is a martial arts movie come to life!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Quick Shipping Update
about 9 years ago – Fri, Nov 06, 2015 at 10:19:49 PM

Hi Everyone! I know you all are very anxious to get your hands on the game and having Bruce and Brandon start cleaning up the streets. Since the last comment on the threads, we've been trying to get a solid timeline to tell you. From what we understand, Dragon Tides (the core game) is on the boat and heading to the hubs for a possible first week of December processing. Which means, once it arrives, we can start fulfilling (hopefully) in time for the winter holiday season! I personally wish I could give you harder dates, but I want to assure you that Greenbrier Games is on top of the shipping/manufacture to get Dragon Tides in your hands as quick as possible.

So what caused the delay? Approvals..... During printing, we had to "stop the presses" and pull all the Bruce and Brandon cards, the Box Art, and all manuals because we did not get the legal blurb correct. This was very important to the licensors so we needed to correct every asset where it was incorrect and reprint them. It was a small nightmare but we knocked it out. I think the most difficult part was translating to the printers the ones that were changed just because at first glance you wouldn't be able to tell the difference since it wasn't a major graphical change. Here's an example:

So the top one was incorrect and the bottom three are the correct versions (long and short) of the legal verbiage.

But, it was a VERY good thing that we had to relook at al the assets once again because we missed something that would have been pretty huge. If anyone played the demo at GenCon for Dragon Tides this year, you would have played through the Street Market scene. What we didn't realize was that the tile was actually flipped (inverted)! Though they connected correctly with the other tiles, the inversion would have caused a few issues with gameplay scenarios not matching up with the setup in the Movie Books. It was interesting to see what happened as the manufacture proof only inverted half of the tiles. Can you guess why? Yep, for all the "back sides" they flipped over for some odd reason.

So in a way, the delayed approvals saved us all from a world of pain later on and ensured we end up with the game we intend to create for you.

Thanks everyone for your patience and once Greenbrier Games can get a solid date from the manufacture/shipping hubs, I'll let you know as soon as we do so you'll be in the loop right away.

Next update.... character gameplay! 

Last of the Minis Sent to the Printers
over 9 years ago – Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 12:20:31 AM

Hi Everyone,

As mentioned before, things seem to continue to be going smoothly and we are expecting new word from our manufacture for the status of the shipping eta of the core games. Unless we hear otherwise, keep expecting the same timeline.

Tonight's update is a pretty cool one. If you recall, there are a few minis you haven't seen yet, mostly from the pledge manager. The following completes all the minis for the game, expansion, and pledge manager unlocks. We've already turned them in and are getting things moving for the next group of deliverables. It's VERY exciting for us since we though we are still learning, we are making great strides with the completion of this campaign. And we have all of you to thank for your suggestions and ideas during and after the campaign!

And Because We Agreed With You

To be honest, we've had a huge number of requests and suggestions for our Female Assassin and #13 miniatures. For those who don't remember, here are what they looked like previously:

So after much consideration and resculpting we decided it was best to redo them so that they better fit our original ideas, which were also echoed through your opinions as well. HERE IS WHAT THEY NOW WILL LOOK LIKE IN THEIR FINAL FORM:

(Notice #13's new leg pose is a LOT less awkward. For those who also notice, her face and hair has been modified to better match our artwork.) Meanwhile, the Female Assassin matches our originally intended version.

Beyond this point...

The following is information pertaining to the Sacred40, shipping of them, and stuff that is not minis campaign miniatures related. If you are not interested, please do not feel obligated to read beyond this point.

Sacred40 Issues

I've mentioned this in the past updates as well, but I completely admit with my long updates, it's sometimes very easy to skim over important details. When we returned from GenCon, we compiled a list of all the missing boxes, undelivered boxes, and defect boxes in a list. We have since sent this list over to our shipper who will be shipping corrected product to you. As long as you had sent an e-mail to [email protected] then you will be taken care of. I do not know exactly when shipping of these will begin, but I will let you know as soon as they send me confirmation of it.

Address Changes

If you have not received a confirmation but had sent an e-mail to [email protected], your address has been updated. If you had sent a request to have us check for you what we have on file, I find it'll be much quicker just to send us your current address and title the subject "Address Update" to ensure there is no doubt we have it correct. Note that all the updated addresses that were emailed to us that had issues with their Sacred40 will be receiving their items to their updated address, not their old one.

E-mail Delays

I'm going to be honest and tell you that all the e-mails have been read through Monday of this week. We have been trying to rush these address changes that keep popping up to the shipper and re-consolidating new lists for them every 3 days in hopes we don't confuse them with so many lists. Because of the volume of e-mails (and trying to catch all the ones sent to our Kickstarter email, Melissa, Noelia, or our other 9 points of contact) we've been selectively responding in hopes that those with Address or Sacred40 Issues that are more common, will note the information of these past couple of updates. It helps us out tremendously. But I also understands it doesn't give many of you a peace of mind not knowing if your e-mails have been even looked at. So I will send a generic confirmation e-mail to everyone whose issues have been recorded and addressed until I can comb through each email with a proper response. I'm really sorry about the lag and hope to clear out this queue soon.

AU and EU Shipping (Sacred40)

For AU shipping, I just got word that shipping will begin within a week worth of time. I believe the games are in Sydney. I'll keep checking back with them to see when and how their progress is. (Edit: Actually we received word this morning that they are wanting us to re-confirm shipping addresses this week so that they can start fulfillment)

As for EU, the good news is that we're almost done with the child safety testing and soon after, will be able to release the games from custom. After this experience, I'm really curious to know just how exactly do they test miniature figures?

Anything Else Game Related

In our most current Fairytale Games: Battle Royale kickstarter updates we also show an unboxing video of the game, talk about the game status and give a prelude to Horror Edition. To check out that information, go to:

Unboxing and Post GenCon Recap!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Aug 17, 2015 at 09:23:49 PM

Hi Everyone! After a couple of weeks from GenCon, I think the team has finally recovered. Before we start covering how the event went, here are a few updates for you.

While we were at GenCon our manufacture was awesome enough to send us 4 manufacture proof copies of Dragon Tides to demo! We had a demo at the event hall and one at the booth. We were very excited to spend some time with those who attended! Those who were there got a chance to see the minis up close and feel the components. Though they were the proof "digital prints" (versus the manufacture print press), they were as close to the final product as we'll get before mass production.... which is currently happening now!

For those who weren't able to attend, I'd like to present to you.....

I tried to get a close-up of the minis' faces but the focus was being finicky. We're getting a few characters painted up and will do the much desired studio photos when they get here.

When will Dragon Tides arrive?

With mass production underway, we're looking at receiving them as predicted... by the end of September to early/mid-October. We're very excited about getting them to you and are also finalizing the expanded content to ready for print as well.

When will you see more minis?

Currently there are 5 sculpts that are being finalized by Greenbrier Games. Once finalized, we'll show them off and get a large batch of manufacture proofs on the minis that belong in the expanded content. I think we'll also need to get in a better habit of doing gameplay examples so by next week sometime, we'll have a post of a demo scene for Dragon Tides!


Other News

For those not interested in info unrelated to this campaign specifically, the following info is not necessary to read.

Sacred40 Minis & Shipping

Now that we're back and our shipping company can free themselves up from the whole GenCon rush, we believe that they'll get on the list we gave them in lieu of re-shipping missing or mistaken boxes. They'll need to go through the list and will probably ship them out again within a couple of weeks.

For an update on EU, we're still patiently waiting for word on the Child Safety stuff. Fingers crossed it will be done shortly so we can give you an official update. AUS, I'm not really sure what the hold up is, but I've contacted the Hub and am waiting to find out why it hasn't left their warehouse (it's there in AUS, just idle for some unknown reason.)

We'll still be working through the e-mails but as we told a lot of our backers we met at GenCon, if you had e-mailed us through [email protected], we will be able to help you.

Address Changes

Anyone who has e-mailed the above address will have your mailing address updated in our system before the Fairytale Games: Battle Royale is shipped. I'll try to send all of you confirmations by the end of next week so you'll know. In the future, we'll work on some kind of system for address control so you can update your own addresses. But until then, please e-mail us this way and we'll keep your addresses up to date. Really sorry for the confusion.

Fairytale Games: Battle Royale

For anyone interested in the card game stuff, be sure to check out our update about it and Horror Edition on our Fairytale Games: Battle Royale kickstartercampaign page.

GenCon 2015

Ok, now for some of the good stuff. As you know, this year was our official debut of Artistic Justice Games. Though we shared a booth with Greenbrier Games again this year, our team did a great job demoing all of our games and showed off our stuff to anyone who lent us their ears and eyes. 


Following Setup, our team did a crash course run with Fairytale Games: Battle Royale using the final retail copy for the FIRST time! Seriously, some of our team is pretty cutthroat.

Here you see Greenbrier Games and a couple of us pre-GenCon. Looks like we're ready to get started. Let's do this folks!


Because of a few promotions from our booth, the line picked up super quick in the morning. In fact, this line wrapped through our booth, around it, and all the way following the back wall of the convention hall... EVERY morning!

Steampunk Wendy and Snow

So.... have you seen Yashima?

A hybrid of Goose Girl and Little Miss Muffet

Got Ninja? Come bring down da house! 

Ryan challenging others with Martial Arts: The Card Games 

Rheyn laying down the law with Dragon Tides

To draw in more attention, we wore our brightest

Tony showing what it meant to be a Kami Master 

Demoing Folklore .... Kickstarter coming soon by Greenbrier Games and Twinfire Productions!

Hale giving a tour of the Fairytale Games: Battle Royale

Noelia getting people into Fairytale Games: Battle Royale


There were more artists and authors this year. Awesome stuff!

Mega Man looked good at the Jasco Booth

Tons of insanely painted minis sets all over GenCon

Rum and Bones had an awesome display by CMON

Just in time for their live action movie... a card game!

Quick draw in the Wild West with dexterity

One of the hotter games at GenCon was Mysterium. Sold out on the first day!

Another Day1 Sold out game was at the Plaid Hat booth. 

Our friends at King's Armory! Congrats to your new baby John!

Gothic Dancers mesmerizing their audience 

Mice and Mystics introduced a new concept. Check out the "Tilt" mechanic! 

Magic the Gathering debuting their Planeswalker minis game 

Soda Pop Miniatures and their models! 

Some people took a beating at GenCon

Don't look at me, I didn't frame Roger! 

We didn't get a chance to take a lot of photos this year. Tons of great Cosplay


At one point we had 2 large games of Fairytale Games at once. That was a proud moment and a lot of fun! Thank you Hale and Noelia!


So I have no idea what happened, but it began when a guy from one of the booths playfully challenged the woman. What went from a boastful joke about women doing girly things, turned out to be a Ronda Rousey match. Poor guy.... being photographed and videotaped for the world to see for his epic loss.


The team and I decided to relax and bond a bit more with non-convention food. Exhausted yet adrenaline pumping all 5 days we were there, we can honestly it was an awesome week at GenCon. Next year, we believe will be even better!

Overall GenCon was an absolute success and we have to thank all of you again for making this possible for us. Looking back at this past week, we see what we've done, where we've been and are imagining where we need to go to bring exciting new games, quality, and creativity to you!

GenCon this week!
over 9 years ago – Mon, Aug 10, 2015 at 03:47:31 PM

Hi Everyone! GenCon is upon us and we are VERY excited and ready. Last year at GenCon we only hinted about Dragon Tides.... This year, we are hosting several Events at the exhibition halls with Kevin G. Nunn and possibly Luther Bell Hendricks V. in person giving the demo so you can play with/against the actual gameplay creators! Also, at our booth (#2437) we'll be giving active demos of Dragon Tides as well as our other games, Fairytale Games: Battle Royale and Martial Arts: The Card Game. So if you're able to stop on by, check out the game for yourself! 

Wait... what do I mean?

Hot off the presses, we air-shipped 2 production copies of Dragon Tides to be used just for our demos at GenCon. So when you do check them out, you'll see all the components, boards, books, minis, and dice in their awesome glory. For those who aren't able to make GenCon, don't worry.... I will be bringing my video camera so we can do a quick unboxing for our next update. And best thing yet? Since these 2 production copies are slightly different than the mass production ones (they are proofs after all), we will sign one copy and enter all of you automatically to a name drawing (you don't even have to attend GenCon to be entered). Whomever wins, will get this copy shipped to you after GenCon, of course.

We're also on the map for a few GenCon interviews highlighting Dragon Tides. This is something we're really excited about since we want our debut to reach as many ears and hearts as possible. Once we have product for fulfillment, you better believe that we'll be madly passing out "reviewer" copies before BGGcon!

Dragon Tides Pre-Orders

We'll be taking pre-orders during GenCon and beyond since things are already at the printers. We'll be updating our website store with Dragon Tides items though there won't be the same deals as what backers received during the campaign. But if you know of someone interested in an Action Movie game come to life, you can definitely send them that way soon enough. 

Game Status

Currently, we're still on track for September/October fulfillment. The core game is currently in mass production and the only thing that will be unknown is how fast the boat can get to us. We'll be doing split shipping from the manufacture, meaning they will ship separately to our US, AUS, and EU hubs. That way, we'll save a lot of time to ship these games out to you!

We are also beginning the setup/tooling of the manufacture proofs for the minis in the Expansions, Henchmen Pack, Collaboration Add-Ons and Stretch Goal Unlocks. In about a month our manufacture should have the next run of minis sent to us for review and approve (I'm extremely looking forward to that!) The gameplay for these sets are being finalized and we'll be laying the final graphics out soon.

EU Shipping for the Sacred40 Minis

After a couple weeks of back and forth e-mails with the shipper, I now know what the hold up is. The Sacred40 for our EU friends are unfortunately stuck at customs. The reason for this is actually the most entertaining part (and I do mean that sarcastically). From what I've been told, our Child Safety certification needs to be the updated 2015 one and not the one we got last year, while we were producing them. They said that until we prove that we have the new certification, they will be held in customs at our EU hub.

The good news is that we have now submitted our application for the 2015 Child Safety tests for our Sacred40s. Once they have registered us, the powers that be will begin "testing" our products to make sure that anyone at the age of 4+ will be ok while around these minis and won't get them mixed up with things like ice cream, chocolate or organic vegetables and the like. Once we get the stamp of approval, we can use that documentation to show customs and finally have the minis released to begin fulfillment. If I had known, we should have just waited for Battle Royale to reach our warehouse so we would save on shipping. We'll keep you posted as we know more details! I am really sorry for the delay and cross my fingers that this certification doesn't take very long.

Brandon Lee

So we're a bit behind in releasing information of the characters in our core game. Our first gameplay update we introduced Bruce Lee. This time, we'd like you to familiar yourselves with the character board and signature move cards for Brandon Lee:

Since I'm brining along my video camera, with luck we'll be able to show you some live gameplay examples on an actual copy of the game. Are you excited? We are!

The New Blackbird
over 9 years ago – Mon, Jul 27, 2015 at 10:24:37 PM

Hi Everyone,

Today's update is a quick one but the following one will be one to watch out for! Since our last post about The Blackbird, we've had many comments and suggestions that gave us good reason to take a second look at him. We were fortunate that it hadn't gone to print when we did, so we were able to re-sculpt it before handing the files over for manufacturing.

What did you fix?

We gave him a haircut, trimmed his nails, wiped off the Heavy Metal makeup off, gave him the Brandon Lee face structure, and revised the pose to something a bit more iconic.

So, may I now proudly re-introduce The Blackbird!

As a refresher at what he once looked like, here's THE OLD VERSIONL

Although this isn't something we can do for all of our creations, we do want to let you know that we value you, our backers and the reason we're able to bring Dragon Tides to you!

Our next update will have some great gameplay footage for you as well as some more character highlights! As for production, they are still cranking things out. Hopefully soon we can see some more mini proofs as well!